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My Cats

This fella on the left is Tyler
he's 10yrs old and is my only cat (currently).
He is super social and clingy as he follows me everywhere. If I get up to go to another room he'll get up and follow. He used to be super shy when we adopted him but after a few months came out of his shell and became super loud. He'll let you know when he's around as he will make every noise that he can. He likes to play at night and especially likes the small toy balls with the jinglies in em. Tyler also really likes to jump up high n knock shit down and climb into shelving. He also loves to curl up and cuddle against me as he is just super sweet, I love him very much and I know he loves me back. (Tyler also has a really weird obsession with butter its strange)

This guy on the right is Carl
he's also 10yrs old and used to live with me and Tyler, though he has been missing for 1 year now since August 29th. :(
Carl was a very energetic cat who would run around all day and night and loved to play. He was a tiny kitten (the runt I think) when we adopted them but grew to be a big guy, he had very loud footsteps. He would play with anything, eat anything, and really liked going outside though we never let him without supervision. He'd only let me pick him up and rub his belly while everyone else could only do head and back scratches (he also loved being brushed). I miss him everyday and I hope he's happy wherever he is.